Inspiriti is not just a new lifestyle drink based on tea. Inspiriti is a attitude to life. Mentally fit, productively and inspired throughout the day. Full of power and motivation without harming our body. The motto: Consumption without repentance. Besides all this the drink should taste even better than everything excisting on the market. In addition, when opening the smell should inspire and stimulate alone. This vision pushes us from the first hour.

All that had not been in Rafael's mind when the founder of Inspiriti mixed up his first self-made ice teas in his kitchen.Like almost every student, Rafael was looking for an energizing refresher to cope with university life and to keep up concentration during examination phase. Stimulating green tea and high quality fruit juices with low sugar have been the optimal solution at the outset. But the story should go on.
At the university Rafael got to know and come to appreciate Kishor Adhikari, a Nepalese exchange student. Kishor told him a lot about their culture and traditions with tea and natural stimulants. Only the infusion time of green tea in combination with the water temperature influence the caffeine content. Moreover the natural stimulant guarana is usually put into tea to achieve long lasting mental fitness.